This article was written on the 5th of June (2nd day of internship, in Radisson. Reflection of what I felt about the place)
The life today, a contradiction to living
They say its tough being in here,
And say it’s tougher being out there.
But they don’t know, the toughest is,
To be yourself, with anyone, anywhere.
I don’t comment on the plastic world around,
I don’t see my eligibility to do so now.
But I do know, they know less of life,
And nature’s fairplay, seasons’ knowhow.
People today keep running for money,
And chase their fate, forgetting their life.
Their fate smiles and sadly departs,
As not fate but money, is what they strive.
The sarcasm today, I see around,
Is not that people know not the truth.
But ‘absurd’ what to me does sound,
Is that vagueness blots the truth.
Fakism rules, false values command,
And humanity suffers at stake.
The sense of living has been killed,
The human spirit, I fear won’t wake.
At least at the places, with values for gold,
And GODS of people, who show their power.
Truly their life must be a graveyard,
With waters of gold, and money made bower.
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Friday, November 21, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
My poetries...... my most valued assets.
The approaching winter
When the fury of rains surrender to peace,
And warmth of love lost in cold.
Where joys come and go in a blink,
And troubles never get old.
Then you find the cold of life,
End of august approaches your soul.
Heavy troubles hail as mountains,
Smallest joys forget their role.
That’s when you need,
A transcend from your life.
Where you sit in stud peace,
And wait for joys to arrive.
This is the stage a man gets old,
Not by body, not by age.
But by something even higher,
Something wishing to turn a page.
-- Sujeet Kumar Vishwakarma
Wrong going things
When things go wrong,
The difficult times come.
When you are compelled,
To loose the run.
Save your energy,
Use your power.
To excel in practice,
And conquer the next bower.
Flowers of success,
Have seeds in pain.
It’s the costliest thing,
And most to gain.
You loose your life,
You loose your faith in self.
But never loose faith in your talent,
You should not loose it for elf.
Sunset or dawn
When the sun is yet to set
And the darkness covers the sky.
Not due to clouds, not due to hills,
But some strange effect of thy.
The flowers in blossom, loose their leaves,
And the men leave jolly past, aghast.
And all keep waiting for darkness,
Known to come at last.
But jolly sparrows still get a thought,
Ah! Tomorrow has morning again.
Yes! But morning comes the next day,
Leaving the present day in vain.
Let the sun arise from you,
Lighten the nights with daylight shine.
Other people path behind you my friend,
As you succeed burying mistakes in shrines.
--Sujeet kumar Vishwakarma
Don’t let the past,
Leave you aghast.
Don’t let the future,
Be a gruesome task.
Make all targets,
Small and big together.
And keep a check on the present,
Futures won’t bother.
Let the hard done labor,
Get its honest pay.
Dodge the troubles at your hand,
Carve out your own way.
The worries are termites,
In wood of your work.
Be mentally springed up,
For every single jerk.
Let not the destiny,
Mend your path.
Only you should mark destiny,
You don’t! The power it hath.
Reach the destined way your way,
Plan your work and work your plan.
Self determined are always a success,
I believe you too are such a man.
to rise and to rise others,
to smile and to cheer all around.
to encourage a downstruck brother,
to recharge a youths dumb sound.
here we pledge to rise all above,
and widen the stairs of success.
to show the light and lead the path,
and enable all to get the bless.
we owe the duty as humans,
to make you shine and to shine along.
to rise not one, but all to glory,
to make generation's pillar strong.
-- Sujeet Kumar Vishwakarma
Please post comments of your feedback.
When the fury of rains surrender to peace,
And warmth of love lost in cold.
Where joys come and go in a blink,
And troubles never get old.
Then you find the cold of life,
End of august approaches your soul.
Heavy troubles hail as mountains,
Smallest joys forget their role.
That’s when you need,
A transcend from your life.
Where you sit in stud peace,
And wait for joys to arrive.
This is the stage a man gets old,
Not by body, not by age.
But by something even higher,
Something wishing to turn a page.
-- Sujeet Kumar Vishwakarma
Wrong going things
When things go wrong,
The difficult times come.
When you are compelled,
To loose the run.
Save your energy,
Use your power.
To excel in practice,
And conquer the next bower.
Flowers of success,
Have seeds in pain.
It’s the costliest thing,
And most to gain.
You loose your life,
You loose your faith in self.
But never loose faith in your talent,
You should not loose it for elf.
Sunset or dawn
When the sun is yet to set
And the darkness covers the sky.
Not due to clouds, not due to hills,
But some strange effect of thy.
The flowers in blossom, loose their leaves,
And the men leave jolly past, aghast.
And all keep waiting for darkness,
Known to come at last.
But jolly sparrows still get a thought,
Ah! Tomorrow has morning again.
Yes! But morning comes the next day,
Leaving the present day in vain.
Let the sun arise from you,
Lighten the nights with daylight shine.
Other people path behind you my friend,
As you succeed burying mistakes in shrines.
--Sujeet kumar Vishwakarma
Don’t let the past,
Leave you aghast.
Don’t let the future,
Be a gruesome task.
Make all targets,
Small and big together.
And keep a check on the present,
Futures won’t bother.
Let the hard done labor,
Get its honest pay.
Dodge the troubles at your hand,
Carve out your own way.
The worries are termites,
In wood of your work.
Be mentally springed up,
For every single jerk.
Let not the destiny,
Mend your path.
Only you should mark destiny,
You don’t! The power it hath.
Reach the destined way your way,
Plan your work and work your plan.
Self determined are always a success,
I believe you too are such a man.
to rise and to rise others,
to smile and to cheer all around.
to encourage a downstruck brother,
to recharge a youths dumb sound.
here we pledge to rise all above,
and widen the stairs of success.
to show the light and lead the path,
and enable all to get the bless.
we owe the duty as humans,
to make you shine and to shine along.
to rise not one, but all to glory,
to make generation's pillar strong.
-- Sujeet Kumar Vishwakarma
Please post comments of your feedback.
self composed,
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Some transcripts are for keeps.
Some thoughts get spilled in alone, give peace on reading again and again, and also mark a set of mindsets u reflect. These articles sometimes work as a self responding question. displaying one such article,
Steepest turns of your life
The steepest turns of your life come when you least expect them. And this is the emptiest period of my till now life. Hence I can think of an aftershock to come and re direct my life to some worthy and fruitful goal.
I read somewhere in a magazine that words are like leaves, when most abound the fruit of sense is rarely found." Hence I prefer being a man of less words and of actions. I don’t want to persuade the people to comprehend with me, I want them to squander over what my actions were and are and then justifiably come to me with a positive criticism, and appraising thoughts. I never will welcome a person’s ideas of negative criticism and any thesis into the cynical aspects of the oblivion I achieved.
I know that it is the darkest hours that one finds a ray of hope; hence I prevent my heart from getting depressed telling
"The glory stands forth pal,
May your eyes not see,
You’re the one go to the marvel,
Who else could it be?
Efforts in any direction with good intent in mind never do wrong of anybody, and do not mean you did nothing if you received no immediate fruits. Tide bends things as the pressure provided; hence the pressure provided with constructive idea will only lead to construction. And this realization of small countless deeds turning into a pile of goodness is the best medicine for a person who doesn’t have much to cherish about in his life.
I don’t know how many of you are going to read this article, and doesn’t matter much to me. I am not writing this article to share the thoughts with many. But I am writing this as an aid to my own psychological treatment from self denial from success.
I have a bad habit of contradicting my optimistic thoughts. This is a remedial in response to those denials.
Signing out. ---------
--------- Sujeet kumar vishwakarma.
this was the original article i spilled out,
but, i gave response to it myself. As they were published my PC only. Now i think there is no harm sharing these, as years passed since that response.
Answered version (with the answers in bracket)
The steepest turns of your life come when you least expect them. And this is the emptiest period of my till now life. Hence I can think of an aftershock to come and re direct my life to some worthy and fruitful goal. ("Bullshit! Nothing changed".)
I read somewhere in a magazine that words are like leaves, when most abound the fruit of sense is rarely found." Hence I prefer being a man of less words and of actions. I don’t want to persuade the people to comprehend with me, I want them to squander over what my actions were and are and then justifiably come to me with a positive criticism, and appraising thoughts. I never will welcome a person’s ideas of negative criticism and any thesis into the cynical aspects of the oblivion that I achieved. ("But pity that I see only that character in guys and gals around me.")
I know that it is the darkest hours that one finds a ray of hope; hence I prevent my heart from getting depressed telling
"The glory stands forth pal,
May your eyes not see,
You’re the one go to the marvel,
Who else could it be?
("Hah! all useless, go to hell buddy…")
Efforts in any direction with good intent in mind never do wrong of anybody,( "but yourself") and do not mean you did nothing if you received no immediate fruits. Tide bends things as the pressure provided ( "that in general cases not mine"); hence the pressure provided with constructive idea will only lead to construction. And this realization of small countless deeds turning into a pile of goodness is the best medicine for a person who doesn’t have much to cherish about in his life. ("With nothing to cherish for a long time, chances prevail, joys sound as noise to you, making you ignore them.")
I don’t know how many of you are going to read this article, ("only did I, to my utmost pity"), and doesn’t matter much to me. I am not writing this article to share the thoughts with many, ("although ‘I expected so’ previously"). But I am writing this as an aid to my own psychological treatment from self-denial from success. ("The remedialisation went useless and I stand even more depressed now.")
I have a bad habit of contradicting my optimistic thoughts, ("and maybe it is genetic and irremovable too"). This is a remedial in response to those denials ("that went useless").
Signing out. ---------
--------- Sujeet kumar vishwakarma.
this was an example of how self deprivation crept in my mind, when world was ready to deprive me of good things. but now i am ready to bounce back.
more in the next blog....
Steepest turns of your life
The steepest turns of your life come when you least expect them. And this is the emptiest period of my till now life. Hence I can think of an aftershock to come and re direct my life to some worthy and fruitful goal.
I read somewhere in a magazine that words are like leaves, when most abound the fruit of sense is rarely found." Hence I prefer being a man of less words and of actions. I don’t want to persuade the people to comprehend with me, I want them to squander over what my actions were and are and then justifiably come to me with a positive criticism, and appraising thoughts. I never will welcome a person’s ideas of negative criticism and any thesis into the cynical aspects of the oblivion I achieved.
I know that it is the darkest hours that one finds a ray of hope; hence I prevent my heart from getting depressed telling
"The glory stands forth pal,
May your eyes not see,
You’re the one go to the marvel,
Who else could it be?
Efforts in any direction with good intent in mind never do wrong of anybody, and do not mean you did nothing if you received no immediate fruits. Tide bends things as the pressure provided; hence the pressure provided with constructive idea will only lead to construction. And this realization of small countless deeds turning into a pile of goodness is the best medicine for a person who doesn’t have much to cherish about in his life.
I don’t know how many of you are going to read this article, and doesn’t matter much to me. I am not writing this article to share the thoughts with many. But I am writing this as an aid to my own psychological treatment from self denial from success.
I have a bad habit of contradicting my optimistic thoughts. This is a remedial in response to those denials.
Signing out. ---------
--------- Sujeet kumar vishwakarma.
this was the original article i spilled out,
but, i gave response to it myself. As they were published my PC only. Now i think there is no harm sharing these, as years passed since that response.
Answered version (with the answers in bracket)
The steepest turns of your life come when you least expect them. And this is the emptiest period of my till now life. Hence I can think of an aftershock to come and re direct my life to some worthy and fruitful goal. ("Bullshit! Nothing changed".)
I read somewhere in a magazine that words are like leaves, when most abound the fruit of sense is rarely found." Hence I prefer being a man of less words and of actions. I don’t want to persuade the people to comprehend with me, I want them to squander over what my actions were and are and then justifiably come to me with a positive criticism, and appraising thoughts. I never will welcome a person’s ideas of negative criticism and any thesis into the cynical aspects of the oblivion that I achieved. ("But pity that I see only that character in guys and gals around me.")
I know that it is the darkest hours that one finds a ray of hope; hence I prevent my heart from getting depressed telling
"The glory stands forth pal,
May your eyes not see,
You’re the one go to the marvel,
Who else could it be?
("Hah! all useless, go to hell buddy…")
Efforts in any direction with good intent in mind never do wrong of anybody,( "but yourself") and do not mean you did nothing if you received no immediate fruits. Tide bends things as the pressure provided ( "that in general cases not mine"); hence the pressure provided with constructive idea will only lead to construction. And this realization of small countless deeds turning into a pile of goodness is the best medicine for a person who doesn’t have much to cherish about in his life. ("With nothing to cherish for a long time, chances prevail, joys sound as noise to you, making you ignore them.")
I don’t know how many of you are going to read this article, ("only did I, to my utmost pity"), and doesn’t matter much to me. I am not writing this article to share the thoughts with many, ("although ‘I expected so’ previously"). But I am writing this as an aid to my own psychological treatment from self-denial from success. ("The remedialisation went useless and I stand even more depressed now.")
I have a bad habit of contradicting my optimistic thoughts, ("and maybe it is genetic and irremovable too"). This is a remedial in response to those denials ("that went useless").
Signing out. ---------
--------- Sujeet kumar vishwakarma.
this was an example of how self deprivation crept in my mind, when world was ready to deprive me of good things. but now i am ready to bounce back.
more in the next blog....
self denial,
Friday, September 26, 2008
Music, language, lifestyle and Standard of living
India, is emerging as a nation that is beyond par in all the fields. All fields, means all good, bad, beautiful and ugly, as tycoonic excellence or as farmer suicides. We have transcended all boundaries in all the fields.
But does it not ask for a wake up call, for a call that insists that, being originally excellent is much better than being average in others' fields.
We in India have been bestowed with a culture, that has a vivid and admirable expanse in the fields of communicating the soul, by way of music, and language. Sanskrit, the classical heritage of Indian Culture, is till date considered the most elaborate language among te various languages of the world. We Indians are shying off from this language, and the people from Germany and Japan, now are stressing on studying the language in detail. The Germans feel that they can design better Technical intricasies in Sanskrit than in English, and the Japanese, are very keen to know what the Indian Epics have to say about the learnings of that period. And we, are more inclined on speaking English. We might not stress on speaking in clear and complete hindi, but english! please..... we want us and our surrounding to be impeccable in the same.
Same goes for the music. In India we have such a great plethora of Musical variety and quality. Indian(Core) music uses maximum variety of instruments, and the loveliest of sounds are generated while playing music. But, how many of us give it an eye of concern, that we have a Musical History. We are more engrossed in being infatuated towards the octopad and jazz music culture. Now-a-days, a boy in grads, will not like to learn flute (eew... what a thought), but guitar, yes all would love to be a guitarist, an octopad player, and a mouth organ player. Now who shall we hold responsible for such a strange and rueful grieviance.
Perhaps ourselves, because it is we who initiate these.....
We need to refabricate our own priorities, and choose what will make us a better intellectual, rather than a better westernized citizen. Being a better intellectual person will give us long term and deep peace. But, being fascinated by, and insipidly collating with the other's traits, will give us momentary satisfaction. then phew...! you look for another reason to be flaunting on.
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